April 2024- Important Fees & Policy Update

Dear Patient,
I hope you are doing well & are having a beautiful start to the Spring season! We appreciate your being part of our practice. The majority of our fees have not changed after 2022.
We need, however, to charge a minimum yearly service fee of $299 for those patients not enrolled in our Membership Program and needing care. This helps us keep providing you with quality care, especially as our everyday running costs are going up.
  • You do not have to pay this fee if you are just seeing the physician as a “Consulting Physician.”
  • You do not have to pay this fee if you are already enrolled in the Membership Program.
  • We do require that you pay this fee if,
    • you are an Established Patient who has visited us within the last 3 years and plans to receive care.
    • your Membership has expired or you never enrolled
    • you plan to keep the physician as a “Treating Physician” for limited services such as
      • Appointment Requests 1-4 times a Year
      • Patient Inquiries (portal, email or phone) 1-4 times per Year
      • Prescription Renewals/ Refills Medication Renewals
      • Assistance with Prior Authorizations
      • Limited Testing Initiated During Visits
To Recap:
This fee is required for all Established Patients who are not enrolled in the Membership Program and wish to continue to receive basic medical services from the doctor as a “Treating Physician.”
This Minimum Annual Administrative Fee is not required if you’re visiting the doctor as a “Consulting Physician.”
Similarly, if you are currently enrolled in our Membership Program, this fee will be waived.
This policy will be effective May 01, 2024.
If you have an appointment already scheduled, please discuss with our staff to start your enrollment.
We appreciate your understanding and being part of our practice.
Kind regards,
— Farshid Sam Rahbar, MD FACP ABIHM
Los Angeles Integrative Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Inc.

Contact Us

Address: 2080 Century Park E Suite 1804
Los Angeles, CA 90067

Phone: (310) 289-8000

Fax: (310) 203-4592

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